Eighty One(Closed)
2010年4月新更新-位於Excelsior Hotel裡的81餐廳,一開幕便摘下米其林一星且連續維持至今,可惜在上西城經營兩年後目前選擇關閉,今年復活節是他們供應的最後一餐。
Food |
Decor |
Service |
Cost |
Value |
16/20 |
17/20 |
17/20 |
$$$$ |
8/10 |
Neighborhood: Upper West Side(上西城)
Address: 45 W 81st St
New York, NY 10079
The Excelsior Hotel
Phone: (212) 873-8181
紐約上西城的餐廳比起上東城來說,好餐廳確實不多,但 Eighty One(81)即是其中一間很不錯的美式小餐廳,讓棠主願意一來再來。
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Eleven Madison Park
Neighborhood: Flatiron
Address: 11 Madison Ave (at 24th St)
Food |
Decor |
Service |
Cost |
Value |
17/20 |
17/20 |
17/20 |
$$$$ |
7/10 |
New York, NY 10010
Phone: (212) 889-0905
Sex and the City 《慾望城市》這部家喻戶曉的影集中,一場 Mr. Big 在餐廳告訴凱莉他要跟別人結婚,凱莉聽了激動的站起來(撞到桌子),氣得掉頭離開(下階梯卻被絆一跤),很丟臉生氣的咆嘯 "這階梯很危險!"…是的,你早在HBO影集中認識它了~ 就是這間 Eleven Madison Park Restaurant (十一麥迪遜公園 美式餐廳)。
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Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen
Food |
Decor |
Service |
Cost |
Value |
16/20 |
19/20 |
15/20 |
$$$$ |
8/10 |
Address: 80 Columbus Cir, New York, NY 10019 (Mandarin Oriental Hotel 35th Floor)
Phone: (212) 805-8881
這是一間能活化你的中腦橋,滿足三叉顏面視神經的紐約優秀餐廳。坐落於紐約文華飯店35樓高,居高臨下,面對曼哈頓著名景點 - 哥倫布圓環與中央公園。週末提供的早午餐~每週更新菜色,濃濃的亞洲調味,美味品質穩定,像是吃到外婆愛心滿滿的拿手好菜,平緩一顆異地遊子想家的心。
Asiate 從麵包到 Petit four (放置門口的 Petit four 甜點總是任棠主高興取拿,回家吃過癮,非常討好我那嗜甜的甜舌頭), 皆是完成度高的佳餚甜品,令我回味無窮,再三流連忘返,計畫著登門拜訪其晚餐。
先來個糖果Bar嘗鮮一下! 等我整理完在呈現更多給各位讀者囉:) 待續...
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Per Se
Food |
Decor |
Service |
Cost |
Value |
19/20 |
18/20 |
18/20 |
$$$$$ |
7/10 |
Neighborhoods: Theater District
Address: 10 Columbus Cir
(between Broadway & W Central Park)
New York, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 823-9335
美國名廚 Thomas Keller 的旗下餐廳之一 "Per Se" 是東岸少數榮獲米其林三星之一的新美式料理。值得一提是,他在西岸的餐廳 The French Laundry,同樣貴為三星米其林榮耀。在世界名廚中,少數能同時經營2間餐廳,又都獲米其林三星的青睞。
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David Burke Townhouse NYC - Art Dish w/ Awesome Service
David Burke Townhouse restaurant⇨ trendy design but tiny entrance. The look & feel of the restaurant is immediately inviting and glamorous cozy. These well-trained employees were not only very friendly, attentive, and knowledgeable but also able to maintain great service no matter how busy they were. We had no less than 4-5 servers that evening, & had perfect vantage point to watch each run into each other several times on that busy night/limited space.
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